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2005-07-22: Orientation
Poster OtakeM  Registed 2006-02-04 23:03 (1304 hits)

Date: 2005.7.22 (Fri)
Time: 17:30-19:30
Place: Seminar Room A, Engineering Building No.6
Topic: Orientation of the “A Hundred Hour Workshop”

Report: Junya Hayashi, Mihoko Otake
Photo: Ryuichi Yoneda
Participants List: Hiroshi Noguchi
Data Collection: Ryo Fukano
Number of Participants: 49

Speaker: Nobuyuki Otsu
Title: Real World Recognition Technology utilizing Cubic Higher Order Local Correlation (CHLAC) Feature

Speaker: Tomomasa Sato
Title: Call for Participation to the “A Hundred Hour Workshop”

Speaker: Mihoko Otake
Title: Motivation and Practice of the “A Hundred Hour Workshop”

Nobuyuki Otsu made a presentation on real world recognition technology utilizing Cubic Higher Order Local Correlation (CHLAC) feature. Then, Tomomasa Sato and Mihoko Otake provided guidance on the “A Hundred Hour Workshop”. Graduate students, who are candidates for participants of the workshop, made brief self introduction for team formation.
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